Author name: Richard Clarke

20th century Housing History for the Humberside Region 40.

Bransholme public housing estate benefitted from a more thoughtful approach than had been the case at Orchard Park. For one thing, large areas of open ‘green’ space were left undeveloped thus giving much of the estate an expansive, rather than congested, feel, although in immediate localities the ‘terrace’ format was retained. However, these ample open […]

20th century Housing History for the Humberside Region 40. Read More »

20th century Housing History for the Humberside Region 37.

The photo above, Wikipedia credit ukhousing/images/8/8b/IMAG0239, shows Mildane, one of Orchard Park Estate’s 10 tower block housing units built in the 1960s. Until their staged demolition since 2002 these tower blocks formed a bold feature in the landscape visible across much of Humberside, this emphasising one of the potential advantages of tower block living –

20th century Housing History for the Humberside Region 37. Read More »

20th century Housing History for the Humberside Region 36.

(Above, Harold Wilson by an unknown photographer). Coming forward in time to the 1960s the ‘modernist’ movement dominated the scene. This was the decade when everything was going to become different typified by plastic household objects, mass car ownership, central heating, motorways, diesel trains, washing machines, ‘cubist’ building plans and prefabrication, these much influenced by

20th century Housing History for the Humberside Region 36. Read More »