Just a quick post, taken from the same footbridge over Barmston Drain as the previous post/blog but looking south-east. Notice again the luxuriant growth of the Drain-side, a necessary reminder at this time of year.
The almshouses seen in the middle distance have always struck being as being some of the most attractive buildings in Hull, built around a courtyard in a pleasing Arts and Crafts rustic style. The bell tower is over the entrance is particularly interesting. The site is accessed off Northumberland Avenue with an ex-Board school on the corner, this now the Sites and Monuments Record storage facility for archaeological remains etc. This said, I am still ignorant on the history of the almshouses which I assume were originally funded by one of the city’s benefactors.
Between the Drain and the almshouses was, until recently, an allotment site. The allotment holders have been moved off by the Council but what future plans are I don’t know.