
17th November, 2017. Humberside large period houses (cont.) + personal reflection.

Until its demolition in 1936 Winestead Hall (also known as Red Hall, see picture) was a fine example of early Georgian architecture, a classical centre-entrance three-storey block. It was commissioned by the Hildyard family in the 1720s. The stable bock survives (the central clock tower just visible to the right of the house), this dated […]

17th November, 2017. Humberside large period houses (cont.) + personal reflection. Read More »

11th November, 2017. Humberside large period houses cont. + personal reflection.

Being three-storey and largely brick-built (freestone wall quoins) Burton Agnes Hall (see above, south facing front elevation) shares many features with Burton Constable. Even the ground-plan is similar although on a more domestic, less expansive scale. Largely built in the early 1600s Burton Agnes Hall is a classic example of grand Jacobean architecture (James I, the

11th November, 2017. Humberside large period houses cont. + personal reflection. Read More »

10th November, 2017.

This following the blog of 30th October. The first surviving written record of Burton Constable Hall dates from 1560 when it was already described as an ‘ancient building’. There is evidence in the immediate grounds of ‘ridge and furrow’ which may be related to the fact that nearby is a deserted village site, this and

10th November, 2017. Read More »

5th November, 2017.

Apologies again for the ‘break in service’, have had a mid/late-life crisis – details to anyone interested but for the moment sufficient to state ‘no fool like an old fool’. Last Monday saw the first of my five-week (short course) W.E.A. course on the English Civil Wars, 1642-1651, sometimes known as the Wars of three Kingdoms

5th November, 2017. Read More »