After some years of gathering evidence I have started to compose a book about Hull’s municipal parks and cemeteries in the national context between c. 1850 and 1950, hopefully with a final chapter summing-up what has happened since 1950 . The overall plan runs to 11 chapters including an Introduction, and so far I’m in the middle of chapter 3, about 11000 words so far. The first three chapter titles have been decided and are; Walks and other influences, In the Beginning and East v. West. The first deals with historical factors that influenced the lay-out plans of early municipal parks and cemeteries, the second deals with Hull’s first municipal park and cemetery while the third covers the developments 1880 -1900 when parks and cemeteries became a significant factor in the town’s life and budget.
I have no idea about publisher as yet, if ever. Or costings!
Running in parallel I am leading a monthly guided walk in a selection of parks and cemeteries, the first one of which in early February in West Park went well and I thank the 32 citizens who came along.

This in conjunction with monthly guided walks in Pearson Park.