Just to add a quote that should have been included in the last blog/post – ‘Rambles to, and ramblings about, Follies and Garden and Landscape Ornament’.
The two pictures above are copies of postcard pictures from a few decades past, the bottom one a photograph the top a painting. Copies of these postcards have been printed by the Friends of Pearson Park. Although the subject of each is the same they appear to have few similarities; this maybe due to them being produced at different times or, maybe, some artistic license with the top one. The Folly Flaneuse website also includes another painting of Pearson Park ‘Ruins’ attributed to Frederick Shultz Smith (1860-1925)’ which, although it shows another feature in the Park true to life, must surely be a fanciful image of the ruins.
The ‘Ruins’ no longer exist in the Park, and have not done so for decades, but clearly once did exist. When showing people the photo of the Ruins I have described them as probably a motley collection of old carved stone, maybe even artificial stone, and from sources unknown. I was wrong, their provenance is more definite and is described on the website and confirmed by the author’s researches.
Next blog/post will tell the story.