Although Man (homo sapiens) and animals (generally mammals) function together in many ways, usually the former using the latter for utilitarian purposes, the relationship between Man and dogs is all but unique, and seems, in one way or another, to have evolved across all continents except Antarctica. If this relationship developed early in the history of homo sapiens it almost certainly would have developed in the continent of Africa.
Both Man and Dogs are pack creatures, tending to function most effectively in group environments. It seems (to me) most likely that the relationship developed in pre-Neolithic times when both wolves and Early Man were hunter gatherers. Early Man needed the protein that came from eating meat although, given lush conditions, he could survive on gathering alone. Wolves being more reliant on a meat-rich diet had evolved as efficient pack hunters so Man could learn from them more than vice-versa. Somehow or other, Man and wolves must have evolved to cooperate in out in the open pack hunting following which it would be more efficient for the two species to live, or travel, in close proximity. Subsequently the ingenuity of Man led to other forms of hunting such as building traps, at which point the dogs would have been less critical, although useful still, but the bond endured. This given, it would not have been wise for Man to persecute the dogs as the wolf remained a potentially fatal adversary in their midst.
It is ironic that in the 21st century an everyday harmony between Man and mammals, birds etc is more in evidence in an urban public park than anywhere in the countryside except on organic farms or hill farms. The mass exploitation of hens and pigs in modern factory farms where the sentient creatures are treated as nothing more than economic units is in no way a bond between species; while the dairy industry, even though the cows do see grass, fields and the outside, is also exploitative of the sentient animals.
On the plains of the African Savanna an antelope can walk past a resting lion safe in the knowledge that the lion is not hungry, the necessary kill will only come later. Inter-dependence and respect between species is the natural order of Nature, but Man has abused it.