Molly is now 10 and one quarter years old, she has slowed down somewhat, is more disagreeable with certain breeds of dog but remains affectionate and reasonably active. She has had an ear infection that has been impossible to get rid of although it has settled down compared with 6 months ago. The vet has now noticed a swelling in her ear that concerns him, it will need monitoring early in 2025. She is too old for a general anaesthetic and, apparently, removal of the swelling would involve removal of the whole ear!
I have always had dogs, mostly from rescue centres and with one sad exception have really been very lucky. In the mid-winter gloom it is easy to lapse into thoughts of hers and my providence. The saying in the title may be overused but in my case it has always been true. Will recall some past dogs in the next two blogs.
Molly has always liked to sit on public benches, on passing one she will often lag behind hoping I turn back and sit down. Here she is ‘sitting on the bench’ at home.