Having taken my ‘official’ two weeks off, of which the first was a holiday based at Sleights near Whitby, and a bit of extra time off I have decided to be more relaxed about content and not strive so hard to devise regional content from the Humberside area for a given theme. If one comes along all well and good; but be more about thinking things generally. It may therefore follow that the picture/photo may not be allied to the topic, although hopefully of some interest.
The above photo. was taken in an area of rough grassland behind the cement works (these now mothballed and no longer in production) taken in March 2016 in the parish of South Ferriby, near the parish boundary with Winteringham. This particular photo (others to follow) shows a section of grassy bank beside West Drain, a manmade watercourse which flows into the River Ancholme at Ferriby (South) Sluice, just 50 yards or so below the mouth of the River where it flows into the Humber. On the right a young (planted about 25 years before) plantation; one bush can be seen to be coming into leaf ahead of all others. This, a hawthorn, has no obvious explanation although late March is the usual threshold. As previously stated, hawthorn comes into leaf before producing a covering of snow-white small-petalled flowers; whereas blackthorn flowers first (usually Feb./March, thus producing a profusion of flowers in late-winter) before producing leaves. In the distance two ‘flights’ of electricity pylons, these carrying electricity from the gas fired power stations at Killingholme for the National Grid. Here, as elsewhere, taller than normal pylons carry the cables over a river, presumably to not endanger any tall-masted river craft. The same may be seen at Stoneferry, Hull, and over the lower courses of the Rivers Trent and Ouse.
Recently had a conversation with a die-hard atheist about whether one can be certain of atheistic opinions. Of course the answer is ‘Yes’ – up to the present. To consider that historic figures, spoken of in ancient texts, do not represent, or are themselves not, gods -figures that command/created the Earth, Man and (maybe) the Universe.
My question is, maybe God is yet to be discovered?
To be continued.