19th December, 2018 Explanation for ‘break of service’.

Spent few days based at Bowness on Windermere with no wi-fi. Stayed in static caravanĀ on Fallbarrow site, Rayrigg Rd., lovely site on rising land above Lake Windermere clearly on land that had been the grounds of a large Edwardian(?) house commanding panoramic views over Lake. Lots of mature exotic trees as well as native ones, hillsides terraced to provide standing room for static caravans or lodges (mostly the latter), all of which makes for a diverse and interesting site. At two points the site access paths lead down to the water’s edge with jetties at one point. The picture above is of this point showing clearly the wooded fell-side of the U shaped valley beyond and two of the five or six islands rising above the Lake’s waters in this region.

Also visited Kendal and especially the Museum (the one next to the College) with its Wainwright memorabilia.

Keswick also – some info. on Fytz Park, Keswick next time.