5th April, 2017. Discovery of Sculcoates Cemetery.

Recently encouraged to explore Sculcoates Lane, Hull cemeteries as she had some evidence that paupers from the Sculcoates workhouse were there buried. There are in fact three historic cemeteries on Sculcoates Lane/Air Street. The one beside the junction with Wincolmlee I know well and close-by was once Sculcoates parish church, this when Sculcoates was a village outside Hull and before the existing St. Mary’s, Sculcoates was built. Had only passed-by the other two (or is it classed as one in two sections either side of the road?) occasionally and knew them to be completely neglected and overgrown. In fact now pathways have been created (by, I suspect, Hull Council workers). At the rear of the north side of the road cemetery are indeed a great many small uniform headstones with four-figure numbers at the top and generally identifying a grave for three persons, often infants or young children. This was a great discovery for me and requires much further research.

(The image above is taken from my article, see Publications, on the history of Barton Cemetery – I didn’t my camera with me on Sculcoates Lane).