Forgot to add in yesterdays blog the very good reference, Becks, Banks, Drains and Brains – the Drainage History of the River Hull Valley (The River Hull Valley Drainage Heritage Group, 2014).
Recently re-wrote my existing notes on ‘Suffolk Palace’.
Following a recent meeting of Barton Book Group, now with Judith Spikesley (lecturer at York University) as general editor, decided that myself and two others should research and co-author book on public buildings in Barton. This project has been lying latent for some long while. John French, Martin D’Allesandro and myself met, discussed an overall plan and I submitted a synopsis to Judith. We are all busy and , as yet, have not imposed a time limit on ourselves. I am to cover; schools (with Martin), chapels and the police station and petty sessions courtroom. Any help with this would be appreciated.
Need to prepare a lecture for March 6th to Immingham Local History Soc. on the general theme of navigating the Humber.
Have a problem with some images in that the only copy I have is incorporated in a power point presentation and cannot seem to be copied for use elsewhere. Any Help?
Have neglected for some while research for History of Hull Parks and would like to progress it – however City of Culture lot are not interested!
Need to re-write some notes for long-term project on Erosion, Embanking and Reclamation across Humberside region.